This is a new weekly blog post which highlights great quality clip art found at Open Clip Art Library. It will be blogged here at the Worldlabel blog and point out great clip art and provide a rallying cry to make better clip art in order to be featured each week. If you make clip art in response to the weekly clip art, don’t be shy! Please comment on this blog linking to your clip art.
This week, artist Shepherd Fairey has taken much heat over his OBAMA Hope poster which has been claimed to use an unauthorized photo by an Associated Press photographer. This image is the definitive image of OBAMA that most have seen and will be remembered through the ages as linked to OBAMA winning the presidential campaign of 2008.
Regardless of the outcome of this lawsuit against Mr. Fairey which appears to be shielded by Fair Use in the US, nothing should stop us from highlighting a great woodcut of President Lincoln done by Johnny Automatic from an old public domain source, available at the Open Clip Art Library:

Please use this image anywhere you want! Clip art submitted to the Open Clip Art Library is released into the public domain meaning, you can do anything you want with it!
While I would have linked to a great example of OBAMA for this first clip art of the week at, I want to issue a challenge to all to create a nice legal image clip art of OBAMA similar to this one by rg1024:

Please take the invitation, create your own OBAMA clip art, upload it to Open Clip Art Library, and comment on this blog post with your creation! People will use your clip art and spread the greatness of your creations.