Free Web Icons for all your events, holidays and occasions designed by Nicu Buculei. Over 50 free icons for you to use. The collection includes holiday icons for Christmas, Easter, Hanukkah and more. Halloween, Chinese New Year and New Years Eve icons! Icons for your graduation, wedding and valentines. Download your complete set of .png images now from the options shown below. Choose from 4 sizes: 48 x 48, 96 x 96, 128 x 128 and 256 x 256. Continue reading
Category Archives: Open Clip Art Library
Clip Art of the Week: Minduka’s Notebook
We are really getting into photo-realistic clip art. Maybe its the world being flooded with iPhones or loads of movies like Terminator 4 and Transformers that show off some new concepts in glassy interfaces. Regardless, Minduka has his eyes set on making some quality clip art.
Also, Minduka made a nice image of a Present. With Openclipart, since I’m an admin, I’m able to help cleanup Minduka’s file. When he uploaded it, he did not set the document boundary correctly. We hope that all types of people will upload content, so please keep uploading. However, every once and a while special people come to the Open Clip Art Library who want help fix these issues. We call these awesome people, Librarians. If you want to be one, please email and we can show you how.
I fixed the following image, uploaded the file again and then created a thumbnail of his work for this blog post and the Openclipart website. Fixed!
Clip Art of the Week is brought to you by, a maker of labels for laser and inkjet printing.
Clip Art of the Week: Anonymous Clip Arts
One of the solutions to our constant need for developers, is that instead of importing our old collection of clip art algorithmically, on Open Clip Art Library, librarians such as Johnny Automatic, Chovynz, Darth Gimp and others have been helping to clean, manually upload, and tag files for the refreshed Open Clip Art Library.
For this week, I want to feature their work on uploading public domain clip arts from the old system such as these AIGA standard images like this heliport:
If your clip art is uploaded as the anonymous user on Open Clip Art Library, please do contact the Anonymous author to get the clipart added to your account on the new Open Clip Art Library engine. For this week, please do applaud all those who are helping upload old cliparts to the anonymous account to help move us towards our goal of 12,000 clip art uploads this month!
UPDATE: As pointed out, praise Papapishu who has contributed so much to these efforts!
Clip Art of the Week: Sunflower by Mokush
When we released Open Clip Art Library 0.19 last week, the amazing importance of getting back on track with monthly releases cannot be undervalued. As such, we hit a goal of 10,000 pieces of clip art uploaded to our new system. For April we are shooting to get 12,000 total pieces. Right now on April 10, we have 10,540 pieces!
And, for the month of April we challenged the community to upload images related to spring. Mokush hit this one on the head with the lovely sunflower. Please use it freely in your compositions, on labels, on stationary and anywhere you see fit.
Please help us as well grow the project to 12,000 pieces, all which will be included in the upcoming 0.20 Open Clip Art Library packaged release, news written about, and publicized at the upcoming Libre Graphics Meeting in Montreal.
Clip Art of the Week: Abe Lincoln + Obama
This is a new weekly blog post which highlights great quality clip art found at Open Clip Art Library. It will be blogged here at the Worldlabel blog and point out great clip art and provide a rallying cry to make better clip art in order to be featured each week. If you make clip art in response to the weekly clip art, don’t be shy! Please comment on this blog linking to your clip art.
This week, artist Shepherd Fairey has taken much heat over his OBAMA Hope poster which has been claimed to use an unauthorized photo by an Associated Press photographer. This image is the definitive image of OBAMA that most have seen and will be remembered through the ages as linked to OBAMA winning the presidential campaign of 2008.
Regardless of the outcome of this lawsuit against Mr. Fairey which appears to be shielded by Fair Use in the US, nothing should stop us from highlighting a great woodcut of President Lincoln done by Johnny Automatic from an old public domain source, available at the Open Clip Art Library:
Please use this image anywhere you want! Clip art submitted to the Open Clip Art Library is released into the public domain meaning, you can do anything you want with it!
While I would have linked to a great example of OBAMA for this first clip art of the week at, I want to issue a challenge to all to create a nice legal image clip art of OBAMA similar to this one by rg1024:
Please take the invitation, create your own OBAMA clip art, upload it to Open Clip Art Library, and comment on this blog post with your creation! People will use your clip art and spread the greatness of your creations.