Treat your loved one to a very special Valentines Day with these free, easy to print, vibrant Folk Floral printables designed by Little Paper Sparrow
Download this special freebie collection including:
1. Pretty 2.5 inch circular gift labels (some are even editable for you to personalize with your loved one’s name)
Print on WL-175 or WL-350. To give yourself complete control of alignment, print on W175 and cut out with a 2.5 inch paper punch or scissors.
2. Floral 1.5 inch labels that you can use as gift labels or cupcake toppers as shown in photographs. To use as cupcake toppers, print on label paper and stick together with tooth-pick in between. You can include 1.5 inch circular card cut-outs in between for an extra professional finish. Print on WL175 and cut out with scissors or a 1.5 inch paper punch.
3. Very cute Folk Floral printable card.
4. Double-sided coordinating envelope with chevron print interior. Available as a free download from here
5. Pretty coordinating chevron and tiny heart gift wrap available as a free download from here
Just print, cut out and decorate to give your Valentines Day celebration a special touch 🙂

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